Tuesday 9 December 2014

                                     Module 6- Project Approaches  to Learning with ICT

 This module was  a bit  challenging for me. There was  a lot to be  done and also a lot of  reading.   Sometimes  I felt  like "throwing in  the  towel" but this proverb always   helps me through my rough patches, "hard work brings  success". The  activities  were coming in very  quickly and it  seemed as if   I  wasn't  going to complete  the  module  however I am proud to  say I  made it . I  am deeply grateful for  the support from my tutor Deb and  for  the positive criticisms from my  assessor. They have  helped me  to do  better.  I have  truly learnt  a lot.  The   web quest is the activity  I liked  best in this module .  Although it  was   very difficult  for  me  to complete the  support I got  made it all  easier.
Activity- Students  Support  Documents

 At first  this  activity seemed daunting.  I  didn't know  where to commence but after receiving  some  support  from   Deb the  activity  became very  straightforward. I was  then able to complete  three documents  for my  web quest. I  created  a  Tip sheet, an Observation sheet and a  fact sheet.
Here are  links to the  documents:

Activity 9 - Creating  Roles

 The readings on the website helped  me  to create suitable   roles  to  guide my students  while  working on  a  web quest. In my view roles  are what would help  for  a  smooth transition while working on  any  task. When students  know  what is  expected  of them  they  will work  really hard  to make  sure  they  are  successful.
 Activity 8 - Web quest Template

 Amidst  the challenges I  really enjoyed  working on the template  for  my web quest. The most challenging part  for me   was  to   decide  on a topic   that would have been appropriate to complete the quest. I was   able to complete  the task and  felt  very proud of  it. The  examples  on the website guided  me  as to  what was  suppose to be done  .

Thursday 13 November 2014

Activity 7- Web Quest as Projects

I definitely  believe that web Quest is  a learning activity  in which students can  interact  with the information online. Web Quests can  focus on single  topic or they can be multidisciplinary. Web Quests can  promote communication with learners around the world,  also provide the  avenue for learners to  publish and  contribute original information, However on the  other hand it will be  a bit  of  a challenge   to design one for my she students. The  task of locating  the  appropriate sites would  be  time consuming but worthwhile.

Activity 5 - Curriculum Framing Questions

This activity was a little bit of  challenge  for me . I believe the  reason is because I probably did not read the information thoroughly. However I learnt about the different  types of  questions that must be taken into deep consideration  to engage students  in learning and also to  help students  think critically.

 Curriculum  Framing Questions

  • Essential Questions- generates critical thinking
  • Unit Questions -support learning goals
  • Content Questions -address important factual knowledge

                                    Activity 4  - Project Idea

This Activity was a very  simple and fun activity. I had to record a project idea, grade and topic I wanted to do. I choose  a topic my students and I did in grade 5, Leaders in my country. I also learnt 
some  new ideas from my peers  and would definitely  try out some of them.

 Activity- 3   Project  Planning

For this   activity we  were  required  to  do two things; briefly describe  a project  we have done and    explain  how we  would improve the project based on the characteristics of a successful project.  From reading the course material I gathered  information that we will assist in planning and implementing a project in my class.

 These of some  of the characteristics that really stood out for  me:

  • Students are at the center of the learning process. 
  • The teacher is the facilitator of students’ learning experiences   
  •  The project has real-world connections. 
  • Students demonstrate knowledge and skills through published, presented, or displayed products or performances. 
  • Technology supports and enhances student learning. 
Module 6  - Activity 1
Benefits of Project Based Learning 

 From this  activity I gained knowledge about  the benefits that can be derived  from  PBL. 
 PBL is  a versatile approach that can be used in conjunction with other  approaches.


  • Improvement of ICT skills along side the  students
  • Creation  of a highly motivating classroom
  • Learn to work with minimal  guidance
  • learn how to design and  carry out project
  • Gain self reliance and  personal accountability

Monday 22 September 2014

                              M 8- Assignment 3

For  this  assignment  we  were  asked  to  choose three technology enhancements  that will impact learning and teaching. I chose the   tablet, smartphone and the  interactive  white  board because I believe that they are  great tools that will foster  interactive, enjoyable and  meaningful lessons, discussions and presentations. My  vision  for  my students  is the see that they develop the following  literacies, visual, technology and information through  Discovery/ Inquiry .  I   think  I did  fairly well on this  assignment  and  awaiting  a good grade.

                             M8- Activity 10 Flipped Classroom

  1. Flipped classroom or flip teaching is a form of blended learning in which students learn new content online by watching video lectures, usually at home, and what used to be homework is now done in class with teachers offering more personalized guidance and interaction  with students, instead of lecturing.   I like this strategy  very much  because it does not only cater  for one  type of learners  it caters  for all. In this post industrial age  flipped teaching  will help to  develop  students with  certain  skills  needed for the world of  work. Flipped classrooms give students the  opportunity to develop creativity and imagination. 

                                                M 8:  Activity 9 -Cellphones 

It is my view that  any tool can be  use for  teaching and  learning if  it is used effectively and appropriately and the cellphone is no exception. Cellphones can be used to  help students develop their problem solving  skills and their  communication  skills.The idea of   sending text messages  or calling to relay information allows  students to be expressive. As educators  what we  need to  do is to make sure that rules and  guidelines are  given  to   students  about  the use of cellphones in class  or even outside of class

 Cellphone can be used  in the classroom 
  •  to foster collaboration
  •  as a problem solving tool in the different subject areas
  • device to communicate information
  •  as a task manager

                        M 8: Activity 8  E- Safety

  Although the internet is a very useful and  meaningful tool to enhance  learning and teaching we have to make sure that it is  used appropriately.As educators we  should  be knowledgeable enough   about the usage of the internet so  that we  can further   impart the knowledge to the students entrusted to us.
 Here are a few guideline for managing E-Safety in the classroom
  • check history button at least  twice per day
  • take  time to research sites before allowing students to use them
  • set a  search engine that you  desire students to use
  • review rules  regularly
  • provide students  with a set of information they should not share .


  Social  Network

Social networks  such as twitter, face book,  yahoo and hot mail  to name a  few are   great ways  of  communicating  and learning new  ideas and cultures. However one has  be careful as there are predators out there. Again as educators we  have  to educate our students about   public and private information.

                                             M 8: Assignment 2

This  assignment was a challenge for  me but  amidst the many challenges  I really learnt a lot.  I was  able to   create a power point presentation  with a  narration . I  also learnt how to present a proposal    in  a creative and  professional way.  Over all I  am truly  elated that I scored a  really good  grade.

Friday 19 September 2014

                          Activity 7-Learning with Tablet

I was given the choice to choose my topic of research and chose  Learning  with tablet.  The tablet is device  that I would definitely use  to enhance  teaching and learning experiences in the classroom.  I realized that it is a powerful tool not  only  for the students but  also for me as a  teacher. Students will use it to make presentations, display  their creativity, note taking and  also as a research tool.As the teacher I  will  use  it to  help students make connections to real life  experiences\events in the classrooms.   I also realized that the tablet is a great device that can be used to integrate  topics in the different subject areas.  Although the tablet has a  lot of invaluable  rewards it also has some disadvantages if   not used effectively.

Monday 25 August 2014

Module 8- Activity 6

                                                   One to one learning

 The material    for this activity was  very informative and  enlightening. I have learnt some  new  strategies that I  can implement   when using  one to one learning. One to one  learning  gives  students  the opportunity  to develop skills   for this  technological  age. Students  build their self confidence, they are  motivated  to complete  their  task and there is a high level of interaction between students and teacher. The benefits that can be derived from one to learning are invaluable. Students' learning is  broaden  beyond the classroom and it  increases their  engagement  which is   very pertinent to  their  development. I  also learnt about a  few pitfalls of one on learning  I realized that implementation is  a  big factor  when it  comes to using  a   new  device or  strategy  so therefore the process must  be  done thoroughly  to  achieve excellent  results. This  information would  definitely benefit me  when using this  strategy  my classroom.

                      Module 8: Activity 5- Interactivity

  Research states that in order  for any device\tool to  work effectively they must  be used  wisely.
   IWBs  are   resourceful  and  powerful devices that  facilitate  interaction between students  and teachers  and  students and students. While reading through the  information I   got in depth information about  benefits of using IWBs. I  also learnt   some key principles that  would make lessons more interesting    when using  IWBs. The teacher must   be  well organised,  proficient, constructive and interactive for  smoothe transition of lesson to take place. The following are also some of the benefits  that can be derived from using  the IWB:

1.presenting information
2. showing film clips
3. researching information
4. display pupils' work
5.introducing new ideas
6. combine  movement of sounds, texts  and images  

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Module: Activity 2-Classroom Management with ICT Integration

Integrating ICT in the classroom can   be  a very  challenging  task. It takes  thorough planning to  ensure  that it is  done effectively. Participating in this  online  collaboration made  me  realized  how much  we  miss  as  teachers. I  am now able to make an outline from  the  collaborative work that was done  to guide  me  in  integrating  ICT in  my classroom.  As teachers we have to  design effective instruction to  motivate and stimulate  students' interest and thus  this will  help to make  the classroom  activities  run smoothly .
Module 8: Activity 1

Principles of  Good  Classroom  management
As I read through   the  information and collaborated with my colleagues  I  have learnt some  new  principles that  I can use  in  my  classroom  to  enable  me  to execute  my  lessons  in a  better and additionally to  enable   students to develop not  only academically  but   emotionally and socially.With this  wealth of  knowledge I'll be   better able to  assist   my colleagues   and  even members  within  my  family.I realized   these  principles are  only  for the  classroom but  can  be  used in any  institution as long as  you are  a leader. 

Saturday 28 June 2014

Activity 11: Testing Resource

This was a  wonderful experience for both the students and I . Students got the opportunity to investigate and  research information. Students would have gained  new knowledge in a meaningful way. Their process skills were  developed  through this  activity. They learned to work collaboratively and  engaged  themselves in meaningful discussions.  

Sunday 15 June 2014

      Activity: Producing Resources

 This activity was  definitely  a learning  experience for  me.I realize that  activities make a tangible impact on  the teaching and learning experience.  Through this resource  students'  cognitive, affective and psychomotor  skills will be  developed. It has also taught  me  how to  produce  resources that  would  give each  student the opportunity to investigate, classify,collect  information  and  explore. Students  are  also  given the  opportunity to go beyond what what  might  otherwise  be possible in the classroom and this itself  made this activity  an exciting one  for me.

Monday 19 May 2014

Module5: Activity5A

 While doing my research I found  a few sites that I think would be very useful in the  teaching of mathematics. The sites will provide effective and engaging  activities for students of different abilities and  age levels .  They will also provide  current information and  a variety of  games  and  activities  for  both teaching  and  learning. I also see  the  sites  as  tools to transform traditional teacher-directed instructions into  student based  learning.The sites  are  easily accessible  and are also  easy to  navigate . Students  can use  them  with  minimal  or  no help  from the  teacher.The content and the  quality of the  information are in line with the curriculum. The sites will engage learners and provide extrinsic motivation  as they are actively engaged in developing technology mastery  and  learning concepts.


Tuesday 6 May 2014

Module5 : Activity 4A
I misunderstood what the instruction said and  had  to do over this activity.  The idea  of reviewing is  something that is very good to practice.  Every time  I am signed on to  internet I would  review the teachers' record   to  check for  updates in the community.  At that moment  is when I realized  that I did not  have red at the  end of my  activities   so I  took a  good look and what  I did   and I realized I did not  do something right. I  truly enjoyed  correcting my error and I was  able to complete the activity. It was  a simple  exercise   that gave me the opportunity  to  carefully   review  a piece of  educational software.  Now that I am more  knowledgeable of  what   to look for when I choosing   an educational software to  be used in  the classroom, I think it  would  be easier  for me   to choose those software   that  would   meet all students.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Module 5: Activity 3B- Reviewing Educational Software

The idea of  writing criteria  to evaluate educational software  was indeed  an exciting one for me. As I read through the materials, I realized that  there are  so many things  we  would  overlook when we  are looking for  materials, activities  and  information. This activity has  really given me  food  for thought. I   am now more  cognizant of  what to look for when choosing educational software to use as teaching materials.

Thursday 24 April 2014

Module 5 : Activity2 - Educational  Software

This was  a very  fun activity.  I got  to browse  a few of my colleagues' educational  sites  that  I  got to learn about for  the first time.  I am  also  very thankful to Ms  Fiona  who carried us   through the process of  creating Google  Docs  and posting information on  the  community page. I am already enjoying this  module.  

Monday 21 April 2014

Module5:  Activity 1 - Social Bookmarking
This was  a very  fun  activity. I was  able to save  important  sites  that  I  can  use  at  a  later  date.  I also  realized  that Diigo is   an  excellent  way of  sharing  information with  my  colleagues  . I   am  definitely   going to use  Diigo   to store important information  for my  classroom activities. Diigo makes it  so much  easier  for me  store and organise information.

Saturday 12 April 2014

Activity 6: Vgotsky's Understanding of  Cognitive  Development

As  a teacher , I  realize when  learners  are  given the  proper  guidance  they  can  achieve any   given tasks  .  Vgotsky  emphasizes the importance of children imitating others and the role of giving guidelines in words to accompany activities (instructions), in order for children to learn.  Knowing this information makes it  easier for  me as a  teacher to plan instructions  for  my students. Additionally  as  a teacher  I  have  to make  sure   that I  model  good  behaviors, keeping in mind  that students at this  stage  are  impressionable and they  live  what they  see.

This  assignment  required  applying  all of the  different strategies , techniques and  methods that we learned   throughout  the  module.  The  readings  were  very  helpful  in doing  this  assignment.  After  taking the module  I was  able  to  utilise  different  strategies   to execute  my lessons in  an interactive and meaningful way.I was  able to finish  my  draft  on  time and  got  helpful  feed backs  from  my  tutor. I  want to be  honest  though, this  assignment  was  a very  challenging one. It   took me longer than I anticipated  to finish. I  hope   that  my hard  work pays  off.

Monday 24 March 2014

Problem Solving: Activity12

This was  quite  an interesting  activity. I  realised  that students  need  to be  given activities  that will help to  stimulate  and  develop their critical  thinking. The  readings  were   very informative . I realized that  there  are  many  benefits  to be   derived   from  using  Problem  Solving  as  a strategy in the  classroom.  By using  Problem  solving it  will  boost the  learner's  confidence, which  I believe is  very pertinent in the  learning  process. Additionally it  encourages  learners  to  share ideas and  learn   from  each  other and  as  a  result  students  are  engaged in peer tutoring It  also gives  me   the chance as   the  teacher to see how learners think and how they apply their knowledge and skills, which is  very  significant.  This  will allow  for the  teacher to  plan  and  execute  lessons. 

Thursday 20 March 2014

Activity 11:Encouraging learners to ask   questions

As  educators  it  is very  important  to think  about   strategies/methods  that can  be  used to  stimulate  interest and  participation in  the  classroom.   Using the  Contrast  strategy is   a very  rewarding , it lends itself to  a  high level of  participation  and  communication between  teacher  and  students  and  students  and  teacher.I  really enjoyed this  activity  because  I  got   to see  a  lot of  different  examples  from  my  colleagues  that  I  can use  while  teaching  the  same  topics. The  readings  were  very  relevant  and  informative. I   learnt  ways  in which  I  can  plan  and  manage  my  questions  and I also learnt   benefits of  doing  the  following  tasks.To this  end  I must  that this  activity  was  worthwhile one.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Activity 10-  Promoting Discussion

Students  were  very  interactive  when  we  did  this  lesson. Most  students  shared  and  asked  questions .As  the  teacher  I  felt  happy  because  students  participated and  would have gained  new knowledge  that would  help to protect  them  now  and in the  future. Promoting  discussion in the  classroom helps  students  to  develop  their   critical  thinking and  communication  skills. This  method  also  benefits  the  teacher in planning  activities  suitable  for the  classroom and also  to get  students to be  active learners rather  than being passive.  Also using  discussion helps  others  to  see and handle  issues  differently.

Monday 10 March 2014

Act 9:  What do I  ask  and  why?

I  really enjoyed  this  activity. I  realized that sometimes   as  teachers  we  ask  just  one  type of  questions . Most of times  as  teachers  we  want  to test  memory so we  ask  only recall  questions. According to the  Bloom's  Taxonomy there  are  six  objectives    in the  cognitive  domain that we as  educators  must  take into  consideration  when  questioning  our  students. We  as  educators  want  to develop  critical thinkers  yet  we  only ask  questions  that require  yes or no. I  realize  that we  have  different  learners  within our classrooms and we  need to ask a  variety of  questions  so that all students   can become  active participators.

 Piaget  Influence

Piaget Theory of  cognitive has helped  me as  an educator  and as   an individual. I  have nephews  and  nieces  and   in order   to  help them at  each stage  I must be  able   to  give them  the  appropriate   activities. I  also teach 9-10 years  and knowing  what childen  are  cable  of  doing at  this  stage   it makes it  much easier  for  me as a  teacher  to  find  activities  suitable  for   my  students. Piaget theory  has   also helped  me realize  that there are lot of things  that   must be considered  before  I  plan activities  for my  students. The principles  of  accommodation and  assimilation are  also very  important  for us as  teachers. We  must  be able  to  build on previous  knowledge of  students and  also help to  build   a strong  foundation .

Assignment 2

 This  assignment  was  a bit  of  a  challenge for me.  Although  I  understood  what  the  principles   were  about,  I found it  quite challenging to put  my  activities  together. After  re-reading the   materials  I  was then able  to integrate  new knowledge into  what I would have already known. The  two principles  I  chose were  Piaget 's principle of  Assimilation and  Vgotsky Zone of  Proximal Development. The use of the two principles  is  quite  rewarding, not only  for the   students  but  for the  teacher   as  well.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Cooperative Learning. 

 This  is  a  very rewarding  teaching ,learning  strategy. I  realized  that  teachers  as  well the  students  can  gain a  great  deal of  knowledge  while using this  strategy. The students  will be  able to develop their  cognitive  and  affective  skills  .Additionally  this  strategy    allows  students  to develop their  social   skills.
The  teacher on the other  hand  is  able to  identify  the  needs , interest and  abilities  of the  students. Here  the  teacher   can use  ICT   tools  to  find  activities  suitable  to fit  students'  needs.
The  use of this  activity also  shift the  focus  from   teacher  centered  approach  to  student centered approach  and as  a  result  students  can  gain a measure  of    success and  become independent  learners.

Sunday 9 February 2014

Module 1 : Activity 5
 Developmental Psychology

I  have learned that in order to care  for  learners  there  are  many factors that  must  be  taken into consideration. In doing this  activity, I   realized that  the  development  stage  of  a  learner's  life is  of  uttermost importance. As  educators we  need to know  the type  environment the  learner is  coming from. What are  his  or  her  needs?What are some  of the challenges  encountered .? How  did the learner deal with those problems?  Who are the people in the learners  life  that   he  or  she  considers  to  be  important? In finding out  these  pertinent  information one  will be able  to   care  for the  individual.
                                     Module 1:Assignment 1

 This  assignment  was  one that required deep  thinking, however  I   was  able to finish  my draft  on time  and got  feedback.The  section that I liked  most was  section  C. In this  section   I  had to state the most  successful  moments and   explained the   factors that  would have  contributed  to my  success  as   a  teacher. I  was  able to  do  this  section  well because  I would have  achieved  some great  accomplishments. The   readings   were  very helpful and informative . I was  able   to make connections by using   use   real  life  experiences .   I  hope that  I would have  met  the criteria and   more  so  my  final mark  would be one   that  I would  be  happy about.

The most powerful lessons that I  learnt during  this activity  are   strategies , factors  and  how  students  react  to certain   stimulus.The idea of  positive  reinforcements has  helped  me   overcome a lot of  challenges in my class..
Another idea  that has  helped  me over  the   hurdles in  my class is the  taking  away of  students  privileges. When  I  implemented  this  idea   it  was hard  for me to  see   the  different  emotions of   my  students. Some  were   sad, angry and  to an  extent  very   disappointed, however  as  a leader  I had  to  remain firm.
 I  realized  that privileges  mean a lot to students and  as a  leader  I had   to make sure that my  students   knew  that  to  every  action there is a  reaction  and to  every  action there  is a  consequence  whether  good  or  bad.

Saturday 8 February 2014

Social Cognitive Theory

As  I  read the  extract  from Violet Joshua's book I was  reminded  of  how I felt  when I first  began  to teach. The challenges  of  dealing  with  children who were  different in every way  frustrated me  a lot.I felt like  a  failure  a  lot  of times but  with the  support   I  got from family and  friends I was  able  to  adjust. I  have  really learned    a lot  through  observation.  I realized  that the  teaching and learning process   should be an active and a dynamic  one and   therefore    meaningful learning  can take place. As  educators  we  have to mindful of  what we say and do  because  it  would  impact  on the  students  lives for a very  long time.  As an educator I also realized that we can  learn so much from  students' reactions. My students reactions   have  help me in   my personal and  professional life.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

                  Module 1-Activity 1 :    What is  a learning?

Learning is a process that  is  active  and  dynamic.I have learned that  learning involves  three processes.

*ACQUISITION  Of  New Information-  information that runs counter  to or is a  replacement  for  what the person  has previously known.

Transformation-   the process of manipulating  knowledge to make it fit new  tasks.  Transformation comprises the way we  deal with information in order to  go beyond it.

Evaluation- checking  whether the way we  have  manipulated information is adequate to the  task.

Saturday 18 January 2014

Activity 2: Information Processing  Approaches

The process of thinking , remembering  and problem solving  involve; attention, perception, concentration and retention.A person has  to make  connection with the information before the process of  problem solving  can  take place.
*The processing of  information can  be assisted  by using  our cognitive , affective and psycho motor  skills  to learn and  retain information for   a long period  of  time. As  a teacher,   I  have  come to realize  that  students  retain information  better  when they have  the  prerequisite knowledge  about  a  topic. For  example, it is  like  building  a house , if the  foundation is  weak the  building  will crumble   but if there is  a  strong  foundation the  building  will stand. So it is  with  the  students,  having  the prerequisite knowledge  will lessen the  stress  of the learning  process .
* Educators  can  help learners  remember  and  solve  problems by, using  real- life experiences and  stimulus  that  students  can  relate to. The use of  hands- on activities such as investigating and  experimenting   will also help students  to solve problems.
*The  acquisition of  knowledge  is  what  a person would  have  learnt  from  experiences ,researching and communicating with  other people.

Self  Activity: After  doing the  activity, I realized  I  couldn't  remember  the information because  it  was only for   a few  seconds  I got  to see the information.