Monday 22 September 2014

                        M 8: Activity 8  E- Safety

  Although the internet is a very useful and  meaningful tool to enhance  learning and teaching we have to make sure that it is  used appropriately.As educators we  should  be knowledgeable enough   about the usage of the internet so  that we  can further   impart the knowledge to the students entrusted to us.
 Here are a few guideline for managing E-Safety in the classroom
  • check history button at least  twice per day
  • take  time to research sites before allowing students to use them
  • set a  search engine that you  desire students to use
  • review rules  regularly
  • provide students  with a set of information they should not share .


  Social  Network

Social networks  such as twitter, face book,  yahoo and hot mail  to name a  few are   great ways  of  communicating  and learning new  ideas and cultures. However one has  be careful as there are predators out there. Again as educators we  have  to educate our students about   public and private information.

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