Monday 10 March 2014

Act 9:  What do I  ask  and  why?

I  really enjoyed  this  activity. I  realized that sometimes   as  teachers  we  ask  just  one  type of  questions . Most of times  as  teachers  we  want  to test  memory so we  ask  only recall  questions. According to the  Bloom's  Taxonomy there  are  six  objectives    in the  cognitive  domain that we as  educators  must  take into  consideration  when  questioning  our  students. We  as  educators  want  to develop  critical thinkers  yet  we  only ask  questions  that require  yes or no. I  realize  that we  have  different  learners  within our classrooms and we  need to ask a  variety of  questions  so that all students   can become  active participators.

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