Thursday 20 March 2014

Activity 11:Encouraging learners to ask   questions

As  educators  it  is very  important  to think  about   strategies/methods  that can  be  used to  stimulate  interest and  participation in  the  classroom.   Using the  Contrast  strategy is   a very  rewarding , it lends itself to  a  high level of  participation  and  communication between  teacher  and  students  and  students  and  teacher.I  really enjoyed this  activity  because  I  got   to see  a  lot of  different  examples  from  my  colleagues  that  I  can use  while  teaching  the  same  topics. The  readings  were  very  relevant  and  informative. I   learnt  ways  in which  I  can  plan  and  manage  my  questions  and I also learnt   benefits of  doing  the  following  tasks.To this  end  I must  that this  activity  was  worthwhile one.

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