Monday 24 March 2014

Problem Solving: Activity12

This was  quite  an interesting  activity. I  realised  that students  need  to be  given activities  that will help to  stimulate  and  develop their critical  thinking. The  readings  were   very informative . I realized that  there  are  many  benefits  to be   derived   from  using  Problem  Solving  as  a strategy in the  classroom.  By using  Problem  solving it  will  boost the  learner's  confidence, which  I believe is  very pertinent in the  learning  process. Additionally it  encourages  learners  to  share ideas and  learn   from  each  other and  as  a  result  students  are  engaged in peer tutoring It  also gives  me   the chance as   the  teacher to see how learners think and how they apply their knowledge and skills, which is  very  significant.  This  will allow  for the  teacher to  plan  and  execute  lessons. 

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