Monday 10 March 2014

 Piaget  Influence

Piaget Theory of  cognitive has helped  me as  an educator  and as   an individual. I  have nephews  and  nieces  and   in order   to  help them at  each stage  I must be  able   to  give them  the  appropriate   activities. I  also teach 9-10 years  and knowing  what childen  are  cable  of  doing at  this  stage   it makes it  much easier  for  me as a  teacher  to  find  activities  suitable  for   my  students. Piaget theory  has   also helped  me realize  that there are lot of things  that   must be considered  before  I  plan activities  for my  students. The principles  of  accommodation and  assimilation are  also very  important  for us as  teachers. We  must  be able  to  build on previous  knowledge of  students and  also help to  build   a strong  foundation .

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