Monday 25 August 2014

                      Module 8: Activity 5- Interactivity

  Research states that in order  for any device\tool to  work effectively they must  be used  wisely.
   IWBs  are   resourceful  and  powerful devices that  facilitate  interaction between students  and teachers  and  students and students. While reading through the  information I   got in depth information about  benefits of using IWBs. I  also learnt   some key principles that  would make lessons more interesting    when using  IWBs. The teacher must   be  well organised,  proficient, constructive and interactive for  smoothe transition of lesson to take place. The following are also some of the benefits  that can be derived from using  the IWB:

1.presenting information
2. showing film clips
3. researching information
4. display pupils' work
5.introducing new ideas
6. combine  movement of sounds, texts  and images  

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