Wednesday 19 February 2014

Cooperative Learning. 

 This  is  a  very rewarding  teaching ,learning  strategy. I  realized  that  teachers  as  well the  students  can  gain a  great  deal of  knowledge  while using this  strategy. The students  will be  able to develop their  cognitive  and  affective  skills  .Additionally  this  strategy    allows  students  to develop their  social   skills.
The  teacher on the other  hand  is  able to  identify  the  needs , interest and  abilities  of the  students. Here  the  teacher   can use  ICT   tools  to  find  activities  suitable  to fit  students'  needs.
The  use of this  activity also  shift the  focus  from   teacher  centered  approach  to  student centered approach  and as  a  result  students  can  gain a measure  of    success and  become independent  learners.

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