Sunday 9 February 2014


The most powerful lessons that I  learnt during  this activity  are   strategies , factors  and  how  students  react  to certain   stimulus.The idea of  positive  reinforcements has  helped  me   overcome a lot of  challenges in my class..
Another idea  that has  helped  me over  the   hurdles in  my class is the  taking  away of  students  privileges. When  I  implemented  this  idea   it  was hard  for me to  see   the  different  emotions of   my  students. Some  were   sad, angry and  to an  extent  very   disappointed, however  as  a leader  I had  to  remain firm.
 I  realized  that privileges  mean a lot to students and  as a  leader  I had   to make sure that my  students   knew  that  to  every  action there is a  reaction  and to  every  action there  is a  consequence  whether  good  or  bad.

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