Saturday 8 February 2014

Social Cognitive Theory

As  I  read the  extract  from Violet Joshua's book I was  reminded  of  how I felt  when I first  began  to teach. The challenges  of  dealing  with  children who were  different in every way  frustrated me  a lot.I felt like  a  failure  a  lot  of times but  with the  support   I  got from family and  friends I was  able  to  adjust. I  have  really learned    a lot  through  observation.  I realized  that the  teaching and learning process   should be an active and a dynamic  one and   therefore    meaningful learning  can take place. As  educators  we  have to mindful of  what we say and do  because  it  would  impact  on the  students  lives for a very  long time.  As an educator I also realized that we can  learn so much from  students' reactions. My students reactions   have  help me in   my personal and  professional life.

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