Saturday 18 January 2014

Activity 2: Information Processing  Approaches

The process of thinking , remembering  and problem solving  involve; attention, perception, concentration and retention.A person has  to make  connection with the information before the process of  problem solving  can  take place.
*The processing of  information can  be assisted  by using  our cognitive , affective and psycho motor  skills  to learn and  retain information for   a long period  of  time. As  a teacher,   I  have  come to realize  that  students  retain information  better  when they have  the  prerequisite knowledge  about  a  topic. For  example, it is  like  building  a house , if the  foundation is  weak the  building  will crumble   but if there is  a  strong  foundation the  building  will stand. So it is  with  the  students,  having  the prerequisite knowledge  will lessen the  stress  of the learning  process .
* Educators  can  help learners  remember  and  solve  problems by, using  real- life experiences and  stimulus  that  students  can  relate to. The use of  hands- on activities such as investigating and  experimenting   will also help students  to solve problems.
*The  acquisition of  knowledge  is  what  a person would  have  learnt  from  experiences ,researching and communicating with  other people.

Self  Activity: After  doing the  activity, I realized  I  couldn't  remember  the information because  it  was only for   a few  seconds  I got  to see the information.

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