Friday 19 April 2013

                                Reflection on Module 1

 Amidst  the  many  challenges  to  finish   my  readings  and meeting  my  deadlines,  I  can  say that am truly   grateful that  I  am  doing  this  course.  I  have really learnt  a lot . I  am  now  more  driven  with the  wealth of  information    I  have  to impart  the   things  I have  learnt  to  my  students  and  fellow  colleagues.   I   enjoyed  the  discussions that we  have  had  so  far. Being  able  to  reflect and share  my  thoughts  gave  me  the  drive to   persevere in my  difficult   moments .  The  assistance from the  tutor was indeed  helpful  throughout  the  module. I am  definitely looking  forward  to  the  next  module.

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