Friday 12 April 2013

 Teaching Spaces and   curriculum delivery

Teaching spaces enable for motivation. As I read the above  articles  I am  aware  that learning  spaces  are  being   change  to remain in  harmony  with the  changing  needs of  society. According to Grabe 2004, technologies can engage and support thinking when students learn with [technology] them. According  to  the readings, ICT learning  environment is  not limited  to just  the physical  space of the  school but it   also  includes  virtual space and  resources available  to the  students. For example tools, equipment, material and information which all affect the opportunities available to the students. I   am  also cognizant  of  some  of  the  characteristics that  an  ICT   learning  environment  must   exhibit. For   eg. Flexibility- this is  the  layout of the  furniture  and  equipment  used in ICT learning  environment . These   should   facilitate  reconfiguration to accommodate a  variety of   design and  production  activities .It  should  also  support  students’ and  teachers’ research and planning.    
Learning  spaces  should  also be  multipurpose, in that it  must  support  students  in various stages of  activity  and planning. Additionally  the learning  space  must support  for  variety of  types of  activities as  students  draw   from the  available  tools , equipment  and  material to  meet their  challenges. As educators  we  have  to also  be  flexible  to remain  harmony with  the  changes of  society.
Curriculum  delivery
According to the report ,  the integration  of  ICT  into curriculum   indicates   a lot  of positive  results. I  was  amazed to  see   the impact  that  ICT has  on  students ‘learning .The  use  of  ICT   supports  learner- centered   strategies  that  caters  for  the  diverse  needs  of the  learners. As  educators we  should   all  strive  to  reach all   students  if  possible  and  keep in mind  the  varying  abilities   and learning  styles  of  students. Integration of  ICT into the  curriculum   enables  for the  following: the development of various intellectual skills and problem solving. Students’ interest can  also be  stimulated  . I  believe  when the integrated  approach is  used  it  fosters  holistic  development. I am  now  more  knowledgeable after  reading these  articles. My aim is  to  try  as much  as possible  to put into practice  what  I  have  learnt   so far. 

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