Friday 12 April 2013

Reflection  on the ACOT'S  Readings

Although  the  reading  was  a  bit  lengthy  I  gained much  insight.The  development  phases   had  me  doing  some  introspection  about  the  use  of  ICT in the  classroom.From  reading this  article  I realized   that with  much training and  support  a  teacher's   perception can   change  from the  traditional way of  teaching  to  incorporating  ICT in the  classroom. Many  benefits  can  be  derived  from the  use of  ICT   in the   classroom ,it is definitely  evident in this  article. Students  and  teachers  are  both motivated to  work. The report  also stated that  the "lasting change will not occur simply by giving teachers the latest technological tools  but    teachers must be provided with on-going support  and  guide   and  when this  is  done  I  definitely  think that teachers  will be  motivated  to use  Ict. This is pertinent  because  technology is   advancing  very  often. I really like the  principles  that  were  established  from the  ACOT’S   teacher  development model, especially    the  aspect of constructivist  learning    that is promoted  throughout..  Also Rogers’ five  attributes  to an innovation  really  stood  out   for  me  . These will definitely  assist   me in choosing    the   tools  that  are  relevant  for  each  activity.
 These  are  questions  we  should  really ask  ourselves as  educators according  to  Rogers
  • Relative Advantage-is the innovation seen as better than what it replaces?
  • Observability- can others see how the innovation works and observe its consequences?
  • Compatibility: How consistent is the innovation with the values, past experience, and needs of potential adopters?
  • Complexity: Is the innovation easy to understand, use, and maintain? I  was  taught  that  practice  makes   perfect ,  so  as  educator  there is  a  constant  need  for  us  to   upgrade  our  knowledge  and practice  to  use  ICT  in the  classroom so we  can  become  better  at  it
  • Trialability:  Can the innovation be tried out on a limited basis? When this  is   done  we  would  be  able  to use  our  tools  appropriately in the  delivery  of   lessons.

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