Saturday 6 April 2013

Reflection 6:   The  survey

This  assignment  was  a  challenge  for me  from the  very  start. I  had  some  many problems with  my    questions  and  responses,  however  I  persevered. I  really learnt  a lot   from this  assignment. It  definitely  taught  me  not   give in  even if  the  odds  are many.  Time was  also an issue for  me   because  of the  many different  obligations I  have. I learnt   a lot  from the  mistakes   I  made and  as Pope  John xx111  said,  not  to consult  our  fears but  our  hopes  and  dreams. Think  not   about   your  frustrations ,  but  about  your  unfulfilled potential.  Concern  yourself  not  with what  you   tried   and  failed ,  but   what is  still possible  for  you  to  do. I  did just  that  and  finished  the  task.

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