Tuesday 30 April 2013

Reflection : Activity 3b

I enjoyed   doing  the lesson  plan  activity   without   any  difficulty. I  also enjoyed   my colleagues  lesson plans and  even got  some  ideas. I  realized  that  as  educators we  have  a  wealth  of  knowledge   and  we  can definitely learn  from each other. I  did  a  fraction lesson    and  my  students  enjoyed  it very much. The  reinforcement  activity  was a  fraction  game that  was  played  by using  the  computer.  Students  were  very interactive and the  session was  very lively.

Monday 29 April 2013

                            Self Activity Module 3

As I viewed my colleagues presentations,  I  realized that there  are  so  many things  that  we  can  do by using  word  processor. I did not  only view  but I   gained  some knowledge.  A lot of  the  activities were interesting   and I  think  they can  be   implemented into my own  teaching.My understanding  about  the use of  ICT  is  being  deepen every time  I am  through  with  an  activity  especially a  collaborative  activity.

Thursday 25 April 2013

Reflection :  Activity  1 module  3

I  can  say  that I  truly enjoyed  the  workshop. Gerald was  indeed   helpful in clarifying  certain things   that were  not so  clear.I  also enjoyed  the  collaborative  effort  that  was  made  by my colleagues. I  am definitely  learning  a  lot  of   new   things  that  I  can incorporate  in my  lessons.  I learnt  that as    educators  we   have  a  number  of  different roles and  therefore  we  have  to  be  flexible  for  meaningful learning to  take place.

Friday 19 April 2013

                                Reflection on Module 1

 Amidst  the  many  challenges  to  finish   my  readings  and meeting  my  deadlines,  I  can  say that am truly   grateful that  I  am  doing  this  course.  I  have really learnt  a lot . I  am  now  more  driven  with the  wealth of  information    I  have  to impart  the   things  I have  learnt  to  my  students  and  fellow  colleagues.   I   enjoyed  the  discussions that we  have  had  so  far. Being  able  to  reflect and share  my  thoughts  gave  me  the  drive to   persevere in my  difficult   moments .  The  assistance from the  tutor was indeed  helpful  throughout  the  module. I am  definitely looking  forward  to  the  next  module.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

                                                           The Star Chart

 The   chart  has  an excellent  sequential  outline  of  activities  for  the  integration of  Ict in  schools. Amidst  the  few  shortcomings   regarding   my  school's readiness, I  think that  this  outline  would definitely    work for  us  educators.The   time  frame is  very  much  appropriate  and  the  activities  are   very  fitting .  The   main  areas    mentioned   are  very  detailed  and  can be     followed.  As  I  read  the  comments   from  my   colleagues  I have  come  to the  conclusion that  the  ideas  from the   star  chart  will be implemented in some  schools if  not  all.   I am  really  enlightened  and  challenged  every time  I  read   an  article.  My  understanding is  deepen as  it  regards  to  using  ICT.

Saturday 13 April 2013

                                                    Assignment  2-  The   Critique

I choose   the  Australian  Cultural  Heritage  page  , age  10-12 to  critically evaluate. The lesson depicted  an  excellent  use of   the integrated  however I had  some  challenges  doing  the  activity. Time   was  an issue  for  me  so  I didn't get  to send  a  draft.  Although  the   challenge was    grave   I   learnt  a lot. My  understanding    was   deepened. As  educators   we  are  teaching students to become   critical  thinkers ,   and  to help them  do  that  we  ourselves  have to be  able  to think  critically as  well. This  exercise   was  a worthwhile for  me .  The  feedback that  I  received  from the  the  assessor will  definitely  assist  me  in doing  my  next assignment.

Friday 12 April 2013

 Teaching Spaces and   curriculum delivery

Teaching spaces enable for motivation. As I read the above  articles  I am  aware  that learning  spaces  are  being   change  to remain in  harmony  with the  changing  needs of  society. According to Grabe 2004, technologies can engage and support thinking when students learn with [technology] them. According  to  the readings, ICT learning  environment is  not limited  to just  the physical  space of the  school but it   also  includes  virtual space and  resources available  to the  students. For example tools, equipment, material and information which all affect the opportunities available to the students. I   am  also cognizant  of  some  of  the  characteristics that  an  ICT   learning  environment  must   exhibit. For   eg. Flexibility- this is  the  layout of the  furniture  and  equipment  used in ICT learning  environment . These   should   facilitate  reconfiguration to accommodate a  variety of   design and  production  activities .It  should  also  support  students’ and  teachers’ research and planning.    
Learning  spaces  should  also be  multipurpose, in that it  must  support  students  in various stages of  activity  and planning. Additionally  the learning  space  must support  for  variety of  types of  activities as  students  draw   from the  available  tools , equipment  and  material to  meet their  challenges. As educators  we  have  to also  be  flexible  to remain  harmony with  the  changes of  society.
Curriculum  delivery
According to the report ,  the integration  of  ICT  into curriculum   indicates   a lot  of positive  results. I  was  amazed to  see   the impact  that  ICT has  on  students ‘learning .The  use  of  ICT   supports  learner- centered   strategies  that  caters  for  the  diverse  needs  of the  learners. As  educators we  should   all  strive  to  reach all   students  if  possible  and  keep in mind  the  varying  abilities   and learning  styles  of  students. Integration of  ICT into the  curriculum   enables  for the  following: the development of various intellectual skills and problem solving. Students’ interest can  also be  stimulated  . I  believe  when the integrated  approach is  used  it  fosters  holistic  development. I am  now  more  knowledgeable after  reading these  articles. My aim is  to  try  as much  as possible  to put into practice  what  I  have  learnt   so far. 

Reflection  on the ACOT'S  Readings

Although  the  reading  was  a  bit  lengthy  I  gained much  insight.The  development  phases   had  me  doing  some  introspection  about  the  use  of  ICT in the  classroom.From  reading this  article  I realized   that with  much training and  support  a  teacher's   perception can   change  from the  traditional way of  teaching  to  incorporating  ICT in the  classroom. Many  benefits  can  be  derived  from the  use of  ICT   in the   classroom ,it is definitely  evident in this  article. Students  and  teachers  are  both motivated to  work. The report  also stated that  the "lasting change will not occur simply by giving teachers the latest technological tools  but    teachers must be provided with on-going support  and  guide   and  when this  is  done  I  definitely  think that teachers  will be  motivated  to use  Ict. This is pertinent  because  technology is   advancing  very  often. I really like the  principles  that  were  established  from the  ACOT’S   teacher  development model, especially    the  aspect of constructivist  learning    that is promoted  throughout..  Also Rogers’ five  attributes  to an innovation  really  stood  out   for  me  . These will definitely  assist   me in choosing    the   tools  that  are  relevant  for  each  activity.
 These  are  questions  we  should  really ask  ourselves as  educators according  to  Rogers
  • Relative Advantage-is the innovation seen as better than what it replaces?
  • Observability- can others see how the innovation works and observe its consequences?
  • Compatibility: How consistent is the innovation with the values, past experience, and needs of potential adopters?
  • Complexity: Is the innovation easy to understand, use, and maintain? I  was  taught  that  practice  makes   perfect ,  so  as  educator  there is  a  constant  need  for  us  to   upgrade  our  knowledge  and practice  to  use  ICT  in the  classroom so we  can  become  better  at  it
  • Trialability:  Can the innovation be tried out on a limited basis? When this  is   done  we  would  be  able  to use  our  tools  appropriately in the  delivery  of   lessons.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

                                                 Reflection 7
 Drop box
I definitely  enjoyed the  Drop  box  activity.   It was   a very  interesting one. I  must  mention  though, that it  was  the  first  time  I was actually hearing  or  seeing   a  Dropbox . This  course in general is   a  very informative one  and  I  really have  no  regrets   in doing it . The challenges at  times are  very overwhelming but  I  have   learnt  to persevere in  trying  times . The  best  part of the  drop box  activity  for  me  was being  able  to  view  others  work   . I   am   now driven   to do   some  research on the   drop box  so  I can  actually  try  it out. 

 Reflection 6

After reading   the wheeler’s article,    I am  more   aware of the  many  benefits  that  can  be   derived  from using  ICT in the  delivery  of   my lessons. As  I  reflect on my own teaching  I  realized  that  there   is   a lot  more  that  I  can  change  and  so  much more  that  I can  do  with the  use  of  ICT. As  Balacheff  posits  that  Ict is  promoting  new  ways  of   working  and interacting,   therefore    I  believe  that this is  what  should  take place  in  our  classrooms . The  idea of  shareand  collaborative  learning  stood  out  for  me . Although  the  challenges   might  be  many  the  rewards   will  be  definitely great.  I  also  realized  that  ICT is  the approach we   should  definitely utilize  in our  classroom.I am  also taught   not  to be   afraid  of   changes but  to  embrace  changes.

Saturday 6 April 2013

Reflection 6:   The  survey

This  assignment  was  a  challenge  for me  from the  very  start. I  had  some  many problems with  my    questions  and  responses,  however  I  persevered. I  really learnt  a lot   from this  assignment. It  definitely  taught  me  not   give in  even if  the  odds  are many.  Time was  also an issue for  me   because  of the  many different  obligations I  have. I learnt   a lot  from the  mistakes   I  made and  as Pope  John xx111  said,  not  to consult  our  fears but  our  hopes  and  dreams. Think  not   about   your  frustrations ,  but  about  your  unfulfilled potential.  Concern  yourself  not  with what  you   tried   and  failed ,  but   what is  still possible  for  you  to  do. I  did just  that  and  finished  the  task.