Saturday 26 October 2013

Module  4: Activity  4A :   Assessment  Standards

 This  was  a  very  rewarding  activity. I  learned about  creative ways in which  I  can  gather evidence for  assessment. By  using  these  methods  the  teacher  is in a   better  place  to  use  the  appropriate   assessment  to test  students'  ability on a  content  area. This  activity  has  really developed my understanding . I was  also   able to  write  some  ICT standards  that I would use   to   assess  while integrating ICT   with learning  and furthermore  write  suitable   methods  to  gather  evidence. Self Assessment  and  Peer Assessment  were  also  highlights in activity. These    two  assessments are  of  great  importance to challenge to students. Here students  are  taught  to  critique others  work and   also their   own work,  this  in  itself  will develop  higher  order  thinking  skills.

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