Saturday 26 October 2013

 Module  4 : Activity 2: What we  assess

The  discussion on what  we  assess  was  a  very informative  one. I was  able  to give  my  contribution  and  view  what  others  had   to say. The  readings were   very enlightening, in that  they  made me   aware  of  some  the things  I was  overlooking  when  I  am doing  assessment   with  my  students. It is  very true that  what we  assess   and  how  we  assess   students  is  interrelated.I  realized that  as    educators  we  have to be  flexible  and  creative when we  are assessing  our students. W e  have  to  make  students  feel   a  measure   of  success. I  was also reminded  that assessment  is   an integral  part  of  planning  and  instruction and  it  can  be  done   in so  many  ways.

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