Saturday 26 October 2013

Module 4 Activity 3: Catering  for  Diversity

 As  educators,  a  lot of  us  are  guilty of  using   one   assessment  tool for   a  class  of  students  with varying  abilities. As I read  the  information on  multiple intelligence  I  was   made  aware  of  some interesting  information. Although  Gardner's  theory   may imply that a  child only has one form of  intelligence,  however  as educators we need to place all eight  intelligences as  equally important  intelligences in  the  classroom.  All eight intelligences  deserve equal recognition and in order  for us  as  educators  to do   so we need to  assess  our  students to   find out  which group they fit into.From  the list of  intelligences   these two  intelligences  stood  out  for   for  me. Musical intelligence , which gives  persons the  ability to think in pictures  and  visualize outcomes and  the  Bodily/ kinesthetic intelligence, this    intelligence   encompasses the  ability to use  one's  body movement to solve problems. As educators  we  have to be  reminded  that  students  learn in different  ways  so therefore  we have  to  use whatever  approaches  we   can  we    reach  them,  whether  through   dance  or  music.

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