Sunday 27 October 2013

Module4: Activity5  Assessment  tool

  I was   a little  confused  when  doing this  activity,  however  with clarification  from  my tutor  and  help  from a colleague I  was able  to finish  my activity. When creating   an   assessment  tool one  has to be  sure about  what  they will be assessing on  how they will be assessing it.  I  definitely  learned  how  to  create  rubrics for  assessing group  work and cooperative  grouping  in my class. I  truly  enjoyed the  hands -on  activity. I am  elated  that  I am doing  this course, not only  I  am gaining the  theoretical knowledge  but  I am  also  doing the practical work .

Module  4: Activity  4B

 I  gained  much insight  after  reading  the  two power point  presentations. I learned  a lot on assessing  Group Practice and  Peer Assessment. There are  many  benefits  that can be  derived  from  using peer  assessment  and  as  educators  we  can use   this method more frequently  to help develop  critical judgement, students  autonomy and to enhance  learning.  By  doing  so  we  will gain  great rewards.

Saturday 26 October 2013

Module  4: Activity  4A :   Assessment  Standards

 This  was  a  very  rewarding  activity. I  learned about  creative ways in which  I  can  gather evidence for  assessment. By  using  these  methods  the  teacher  is in a   better  place  to  use  the  appropriate   assessment  to test  students'  ability on a  content  area. This  activity  has  really developed my understanding . I was  also   able to  write  some  ICT standards  that I would use   to   assess  while integrating ICT   with learning  and furthermore  write  suitable   methods  to  gather  evidence. Self Assessment  and  Peer Assessment  were  also  highlights in activity. These    two  assessments are  of  great  importance to challenge to students. Here students  are  taught  to  critique others  work and   also their   own work,  this  in  itself  will develop  higher  order  thinking  skills.
Module 4 Activity 3: Catering  for  Diversity

 As  educators,  a  lot of  us  are  guilty of  using   one   assessment  tool for   a  class  of  students  with varying  abilities. As I read  the  information on  multiple intelligence  I  was   made  aware  of  some interesting  information. Although  Gardner's  theory   may imply that a  child only has one form of  intelligence,  however  as educators we need to place all eight  intelligences as  equally important  intelligences in  the  classroom.  All eight intelligences  deserve equal recognition and in order  for us  as  educators  to do   so we need to  assess  our  students to   find out  which group they fit into.From  the list of  intelligences   these two  intelligences  stood  out  for   for  me. Musical intelligence , which gives  persons the  ability to think in pictures  and  visualize outcomes and  the  Bodily/ kinesthetic intelligence, this    intelligence   encompasses the  ability to use  one's  body movement to solve problems. As educators  we  have to be  reminded  that  students  learn in different  ways  so therefore  we have  to  use whatever  approaches  we   can  we    reach  them,  whether  through   dance  or  music.
 Module  4 : Activity 2: What we  assess

The  discussion on what  we  assess  was  a  very informative  one. I was  able  to give  my  contribution  and  view  what  others  had   to say. The  readings were   very enlightening, in that  they  made me   aware  of  some  the things  I was  overlooking  when  I  am doing  assessment   with  my  students. It is  very true that  what we  assess   and  how  we  assess   students  is  interrelated.I  realized that  as    educators  we  have to be  flexible  and  creative when we  are assessing  our students. W e  have  to  make  students  feel   a  measure   of  success. I  was also reminded  that assessment  is   an integral  part  of  planning  and  instruction and  it  can  be  done   in so  many  ways.

Sunday 13 October 2013

                                                 Module 4 Assignment1

This  module started with  a lot  of  challenges. I  had  a  late  start with  my   assignment  and that  made  me  frustrated  because  I  really  didn't  know  what  I  was  about  or   where   to  start. I  am so  grateful  to  my  tutor  for  her  concern in  giving  me  an  extension.I was  able to finish   the  assignment  and  anticipating that  I would  get a  good   grade. I  have  really  grasped  a lot   from assignment  and  more  so the  challenges of  analyzing   the  data released  my  brain for  dormancy.

                                                   Module 4 : Activity 1

This activity  was an eye opener for  me  although it  presented  a great  challenge  because of  my late   start. It presented  some  really good ideas  for  assessing students.  My  students  were  very  enthused  when they  heard  that they  were  going  to be  interviewed and   so that  made  me  realize  that it  was   a  worthwhile  activity.As  educators  we have  to   be cognizant that   assessment is  an  integral  part of  the learning   process and  we have to   always   make it  a part of our  instruction.