Tuesday 28 May 2013

I was  so confused  when I first  saw the  assignment . I really  didn't  know  what  I  was    supposed  to  do, but  after  reading   the  instructions over  and  over  I  got  a  better  understanding  of what  was  suppose  to be  done.  It was    really  difficult    to  find    objectives   for the    the   topic  I  chose, however I was  able  to complete  the  assignment. When  I saw  my  grade  I was   really pleased.  The  late   hours   of  searching   for   websites    and information really paid  off.


  1. Hi Elecia, I had to get my head around the template as well, but perseverance paid off in the end. Glad you got a good mark on your assignment.

  2. Thank you so much Chad, hope you did too.
