Wednesday 1 May 2013

Activity 4 Record Book.
Spreadsheets are  not  new  to  me. As   educators it is our  job to keep  records  ,however  I  faced   a  bit  of  difficulty finding the  rank while  doing  my  spreadsheet  activity. I  really  do not  know  what  I did  wrong  however I  intend  to spend  sometime researching .  Spreadsheet  are  not so  time  consuming as oppose  to using  a  calculator  to find  averages and adding marks  especially if   you have  a  big  class.  They  are  also  excellent  tools  to  diagnose  students'  strength  and weaknesses and  additionally  for  administrative  purposes.I  am  definitely enjoying  this  module  the  activities  are  very  stimulating.

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