Wednesday 29 May 2013

Reflection   on lesson

 Usig   ICT   in  my  lessons  is  very  rewarding  and  fun  for  me .I  had  a  really good  session teaching  my   students  how to enter  data  into  spreadsheets.  The  students  were  filled  with  excitement  and  wanted  to  do another   session.  They were  able   to use  autofill  to  find  total  and  averages.  Some   students    were  also  able to  use   different  charts  to  represent  their   data.    However  I  had  a  bit  of  a   setback , some  students    did not  get the  opportunity to do the  activty because  their  laptops  weren't  working so  that  means  I have  to find time  to  give them  that  opportunity. I am   very  pleased  to  know that  some of  my  students  have  learnt  in a  meaningful , fun  way.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

I was  so confused  when I first  saw the  assignment . I really  didn't  know  what  I  was    supposed  to  do, but  after  reading   the  instructions over  and  over  I  got  a  better  understanding  of what  was  suppose  to be  done.  It was    really  difficult    to  find    objectives   for the    the   topic  I  chose, however I was  able  to complete  the  assignment. When  I saw  my  grade  I was   really pleased.  The  late   hours   of  searching   for   websites    and information really paid  off.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Reflection Assignment1 module3

It  was  a  really   good  experience   to have  tried out   the  different   activities  using  wordprocessor. I was  able  to create  my six  documents   without    difficulty, however  I  had a   bit  of  challenge  analysing  the  roles and  compressing   my   files. I  was  also able  to  finish   my   draft  on time and got  good  feedback  for  my  tutor. I am elated   that  I  had  no  issue  with  time   this time  around.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Activity 5   Teachers  Scenarios

Wow!!1 Some  very interesting  activities.  I  had  the  opportunity  of  trying   out a few   and  I can  truly say that  I  enjoyed  them.  I    did  the   certificate activity.  I   know  that  this  activity  will definitely  motivate  students  to   complete  their  assignments and  also   to persevere  in order  to  obtain  the  prize. As  an educator   I learnt that both intrinsic  and  extrinsic  motivation  are  equally important .
Activity 4 Record Book.
Spreadsheets are  not  new  to  me. As   educators it is our  job to keep  records  ,however  I  faced   a  bit  of  difficulty finding the  rank while  doing  my  spreadsheet  activity. I  really  do not  know  what  I did  wrong  however I  intend  to spend  sometime researching .  Spreadsheet  are  not so  time  consuming as oppose  to using  a  calculator  to find  averages and adding marks  especially if   you have  a  big  class.  They  are  also  excellent  tools  to  diagnose  students'  strength  and weaknesses and  additionally  for  administrative  purposes.I  am  definitely enjoying  this  module  the  activities  are  very  stimulating.