Monday 25 August 2014

Module 8- Activity 6

                                                   One to one learning

 The material    for this activity was  very informative and  enlightening. I have learnt some  new  strategies that I  can implement   when using  one to one learning. One to one  learning  gives  students  the opportunity  to develop skills   for this  technological  age. Students  build their self confidence, they are  motivated  to complete  their  task and there is a high level of interaction between students and teacher. The benefits that can be derived from one to learning are invaluable. Students' learning is  broaden  beyond the classroom and it  increases their  engagement  which is   very pertinent to  their  development. I  also learnt about a  few pitfalls of one on learning  I realized that implementation is  a  big factor  when it  comes to using  a   new  device or  strategy  so therefore the process must  be  done thoroughly  to  achieve excellent  results. This  information would  definitely benefit me  when using this  strategy  my classroom.

                      Module 8: Activity 5- Interactivity

  Research states that in order  for any device\tool to  work effectively they must  be used  wisely.
   IWBs  are   resourceful  and  powerful devices that  facilitate  interaction between students  and teachers  and  students and students. While reading through the  information I   got in depth information about  benefits of using IWBs. I  also learnt   some key principles that  would make lessons more interesting    when using  IWBs. The teacher must   be  well organised,  proficient, constructive and interactive for  smoothe transition of lesson to take place. The following are also some of the benefits  that can be derived from using  the IWB:

1.presenting information
2. showing film clips
3. researching information
4. display pupils' work
5.introducing new ideas
6. combine  movement of sounds, texts  and images  

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Module: Activity 2-Classroom Management with ICT Integration

Integrating ICT in the classroom can   be  a very  challenging  task. It takes  thorough planning to  ensure  that it is  done effectively. Participating in this  online  collaboration made  me  realized  how much  we  miss  as  teachers. I  am now able to make an outline from  the  collaborative work that was done  to guide  me  in  integrating  ICT in  my classroom.  As teachers we have to  design effective instruction to  motivate and stimulate  students' interest and thus  this will  help to make  the classroom  activities  run smoothly .
Module 8: Activity 1

Principles of  Good  Classroom  management
As I read through   the  information and collaborated with my colleagues  I  have learnt some  new  principles that  I can use  in  my  classroom  to  enable  me  to execute  my  lessons  in a  better and additionally to  enable   students to develop not  only academically  but   emotionally and socially.With this  wealth of  knowledge I'll be   better able to  assist   my colleagues   and  even members  within  my  family.I realized   these  principles are  only  for the  classroom but  can  be  used in any  institution as long as  you are  a leader.