Monday 19 May 2014

Module5: Activity5A

 While doing my research I found  a few sites that I think would be very useful in the  teaching of mathematics. The sites will provide effective and engaging  activities for students of different abilities and  age levels .  They will also provide  current information and  a variety of  games  and  activities  for  both teaching  and  learning. I also see  the  sites  as  tools to transform traditional teacher-directed instructions into  student based  learning.The sites  are  easily accessible  and are also  easy to  navigate . Students  can use  them  with  minimal  or  no help  from the  teacher.The content and the  quality of the  information are in line with the curriculum. The sites will engage learners and provide extrinsic motivation  as they are actively engaged in developing technology mastery  and  learning concepts.


Tuesday 6 May 2014

Module5 : Activity 4A
I misunderstood what the instruction said and  had  to do over this activity.  The idea  of reviewing is  something that is very good to practice.  Every time  I am signed on to  internet I would  review the teachers' record   to  check for  updates in the community.  At that moment  is when I realized  that I did not  have red at the  end of my  activities   so I  took a  good look and what  I did   and I realized I did not  do something right. I  truly enjoyed  correcting my error and I was  able to complete the activity. It was  a simple  exercise   that gave me the opportunity  to  carefully   review  a piece of  educational software.  Now that I am more  knowledgeable of  what   to look for when I choosing   an educational software to  be used in  the classroom, I think it  would  be easier  for me   to choose those software   that  would   meet all students.