Thursday 21 March 2013

                                                          Reflection : Activity
                                                            Integrated  Approach
 Although there  might  be   challenges  using  the integrated   approach, I  definitely believe that  it is the  best approach. Students  will learn  to  use the  computer in a  very  meaningful   way.   They  will not only  be  learning  how to use  the computer  but  using  the  computer  to  complete   an  assigned  task. 
I  am definitely enlightened  every time   I  read  the  articles for each  activity. This one in particle  was  very interesting. I realized  that the integrated  approach embodies  computer  literacy. 

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Reflection 4 : Self Activity.

Before   a  child  enters   school there  are  certain  things  he  or  she  might have  learnt.
   Home list:
  • names of  family members
  • how  to do chores
  • courtesy and manners
  • names  of  objects in the  home
  • time of  day
  • symbols  and  shapes
  • hygiene
  • objects in the  environment
  • workers  in the  community
  • games
  • culture
  • plants  and  animals
A child  may  have learnt   these  things  by the  following:
  • observation
  • exploring
  • socializing  with friends  and  family members
  • practice

Reflection: Activity 4

This  activity   had  me doing some  introspection. I  realized  that as  educators  we  are guilty sometimes in   not allowing  students  to  explore.   Sometimes we  teach  the  students  a  concept  and they are  unable to remember  because   we  fail  to realize that there  are varying abilities  and    different  learning   styles in the  classroom.  The  article   also challenged  me  to allow  my  students  to  explore   and  experience new    things   for   themselves more  often.  As  educators  we  want  our students  to  be  creative  and  to be  critical  thinkers,  yet we   are  ones  who  are hampering  their  development.

Monday 11 March 2013

Reflection: Activity 3

 I  am   truly  happy that I am taking   this  course.    I am learning new  things  that I can   integrate in the   teaching of my lessons  . The  tutorial on Mindmeiser  was   very  interesting  . I  have to say that  it's  the   first time   I'm  actually hearing  about  it .  I  realized  that as   teachers, geographic location is  not  a  problem if  we  want  to  do a  collaborative  piece  of  work .

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Reflection : Two generations of teachers Differences in attitudes towards  ICT

 After  reading the  above  article, I am  more  enlightened  about   some  of  the  reasons  why   teachers have  different   attitudes towards  ICT. The  article  also  challenged  me  to  take  every  opportunity to develop  myself  as  a young     teacher and  also  to  impart  the  knowledge gained to  others  who need  my  assistance .  The  factors  that were   listed in  Silvia's  article  are  some  of the  same  factors  I  believe  that  are  affecting many teachers  in  different  parts of  the  world. It is   so true  that  if  teachers  do not  get  technical  assistance  and professional  support  they   can  become  fearful when  using  the  computer and  as  result  they   are seen as being uninterested.

Sunday 3 March 2013

"It is impossible  for  a  developing  nation to compete  with  developed  nations in the  field of ICT integration in schools."

 I  definitely believe  that it  not  impossible for  a  developing  nation to compete  with  developed  nation in the  field of  ICT integration. It might be  challenging due  to  lack of  resources, but I must  reiterate  it's  not impossible.
Reflection : Activity 1

I realised that  ICT can  be  used  in  so  many  different  ways .   I  like  the idea   that the use of ICT in and  of itself does  not  necessarily promote a  particular learning   approach but  the  philosophy and  pedagogical framework must  drive  the   use  of   computers in  the  education. In  my school, ICT  is   used   to gather information using  the  internet, computer  Literacy , research  and projects. It    is used  to  equip students   for  a  future   and   for   the  world  of  work.  We  are  living in a  changing   world  and  we    can't     stick  the  status  quo, thus  ICT    is  integral.