Thursday 13 November 2014

Activity 7- Web Quest as Projects

I definitely  believe that web Quest is  a learning activity  in which students can  interact  with the information online. Web Quests can  focus on single  topic or they can be multidisciplinary. Web Quests can  promote communication with learners around the world,  also provide the  avenue for learners to  publish and  contribute original information, However on the  other hand it will be  a bit  of  a challenge   to design one for my she students. The  task of locating  the  appropriate sites would  be  time consuming but worthwhile.

Activity 5 - Curriculum Framing Questions

This activity was a little bit of  challenge  for me . I believe the  reason is because I probably did not read the information thoroughly. However I learnt about the different  types of  questions that must be taken into deep consideration  to engage students  in learning and also to  help students  think critically.

 Curriculum  Framing Questions

  • Essential Questions- generates critical thinking
  • Unit Questions -support learning goals
  • Content Questions -address important factual knowledge

                                    Activity 4  - Project Idea

This Activity was a very  simple and fun activity. I had to record a project idea, grade and topic I wanted to do. I choose  a topic my students and I did in grade 5, Leaders in my country. I also learnt 
some  new ideas from my peers  and would definitely  try out some of them.

 Activity- 3   Project  Planning

For this   activity we  were  required  to  do two things; briefly describe  a project  we have done and    explain  how we  would improve the project based on the characteristics of a successful project.  From reading the course material I gathered  information that we will assist in planning and implementing a project in my class.

 These of some  of the characteristics that really stood out for  me:

  • Students are at the center of the learning process. 
  • The teacher is the facilitator of students’ learning experiences   
  •  The project has real-world connections. 
  • Students demonstrate knowledge and skills through published, presented, or displayed products or performances. 
  • Technology supports and enhances student learning. 
Module 6  - Activity 1
Benefits of Project Based Learning 

 From this  activity I gained knowledge about  the benefits that can be derived  from  PBL. 
 PBL is  a versatile approach that can be used in conjunction with other  approaches.


  • Improvement of ICT skills along side the  students
  • Creation  of a highly motivating classroom
  • Learn to work with minimal  guidance
  • learn how to design and  carry out project
  • Gain self reliance and  personal accountability